Thursday 12 January 2017

See Your Box on the news!

See Your Box on the news!

Great article on the "il Sole 24 Ore" by Tiziana Pikler about IIoT in fine arts "la startup che sposta le opere d'arte in sicurezza chiodo a  chiodo".
Based on fine arts real time monitoring collaboration with Apice and Peggy Guggenheim Collection for the "Guggenheim full abstraction" exhibition in Brussel.
Thanks to the team Federico Capello, Marco Toja, Mark Philip Loria and Silvestro Russo.

 #IIoT #finearts #realtime #monitoring #guggenheimfullabstraction #brussels #SOLE24ORE

See Your Box about to close a 3-million-euro second funding round
A fifteen millimeters electronic device, as slim as a credit card, containing a new “nail2nail” service. This is the product designed by See Your Box, a London-based startup founded in 2013, in order to provide a real-time monitoring of artworks conditions during a temporary exhibition. Starting from the very first moment the artwork leaves the museum, through its transportation, storing, setting up, exhibiting and going back to its original location through the same steps.
“The device allows up to a six-month transmitting of all the data essential for an artwork, such as position, temperature and humidity. Without needing to be recharged or supported by an additional antenna, but only adjusting the configuration during the different phases of a complex logistic process, like an art exhibition”, as explained by Federico Capello, co-founder of the startup together with Mark Philip Loria, Silvestro Russo and Marco Toja.
Marco himself had the original idea to use mobile technology to monitor globally delivered goods, a market including ten billion shippings in Europe every day.
Two years ago, the beta version of the system was released, based on IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) technology. A few months later, the first funding round was closed, resulting in a 650-thousand-dollars investment made by English and Italian business angels, which allowed to move part of the executive offices in Zurich and led to a development partnership with the University of Catania.
Nowadays, See Your Box can count on a five people team and ten B2B customers in three different business verticals, that is Fine-Arts, agribusiness and automotive, in addition to a cross target in the insurance field.
Apice Group is the first European customer to take advantage of this technology, using it to carry some artworks from Guggenheim Museum in Venice to Brussels, to take part to the “Guggenheim Full Abstraction” exhibition.

“The next step includes closing a 3-million-euro round of investments, the half of them already being subscripted by our investors, which will be used to empower our team with five more people within the next twelve months, to increase sales, to promote our technology and go on developing our product”, stated Federico Capello.

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